PikLink™ - RDBMS Connection Tools
- Property.Cursor
Returns: Long
Returns the current pointer location in the list.
- Function.MoveEOL()
Move to end of list contents.
- Function.MoveBOL()
Move to begining of list contents.
- Property.CurrentItem
Returns: String
Returns the ItemName at the current cursor location.
- Function.MovePrevious(Optional NumRecords)
move the cursor a number of records or 1 record backwards .
- Function.MoveNext()
move the cursor a number of records or 1 record forwards.
- Property.ListCount
Returns: Long
Returns the number of items in the list .
- Property.Contents
Returns: String
Returns the entires contents of the list as a string .
- Function.List(Index)
Returns: String
Returns the item in the list at the specified index location .
- Function.ReadNext()
Returns: String
Return the first list item and remove from the list.
- Function.EnglishSelect(SelectStatement, Optional SSELECT)
Perform the Select statement to retieve a list .
- Function.ListAccounts(Optional bSorted)
Return a list of all the server accounts on the server.
- Function.ListItemIDs(AccountName, FileName, Optional bSorted)
Return a list of all the item ids in the specified file in the specified account.
- Function.ListFiles(AccountName, Optional bSorted)
Return a list of File names in the specified account on the server.
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