Here in this section you will find a number of application I have produced over the years. Please take a look.
I have been programming in Visual Basic for over 15 years now. I first started with a very brief look at VB3 and gave up, I then started to learn VB using VB4 and have never looked back - I have written many applications and controls and attempted a number of programs that I just gave up on due to time constraints.
CodeSmartX - This is a Visual Basic 5/6 addin which has a vast number of features which makes writing programs in Visual Basic much tidier. Take a look.
I have a few minor problems with the current version - I would appreciate any feedback to help produce a good release.. More Info..
PikLink™ This object suite enables communications to a MultiValue database like mvBase / jBase and D3 via a Telnet session running on one PC and
serving multiple clients while only using only one Database license. Currently this is only available mvBase more to come later.. More Info..
enErrors This is a very useful object which allows you to implement some very tidy error handling with reporting to File, Printer or e-mail. This OCX is very useful for reporting errors within your application. Just plonk one onto your main form and setup the properties and away you go. You can add a call stack trace within your application so if a problem occurs you can check the call stack to see what has been happening when the error occurred.
GoldPik- This is an application that integrates GoldMine (Version 6) into a MultiValue database server. Allowing the update of your database from GoldMine.
GoldIt - This is used in conjuction with GoldPik and allows data to be updated in GoldMine from the MultiValue database server.
enFax - This is a Full functioning Fax that can integrate to a MultiValue database server - work in progress.
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Bachelor: A man who never makes the same mistake once.